You are a Strong, Beautiful, Confident Woman of God!!!

This gorgeous poster is a daily reminder of who you truly are in God's eyes...

• Strong = able to withstand great force or pressure

• Beautiful = qualities that give great pleasure to see, hear, think about

• Confident = having strong belief or full assurance


I'm Tina

I am a seasoned advocate for women’s empowerment, bringing a wealth of knowledge to POWER After DV: Freedom from the Effects of Domestic Violence. With a background in education, advocacy, law, and theological studies and a passion for helping women gain freedom from the effects of domestic violence and walking out their God given PURPOSE in life. I have dedicated my career to teaching, legal advocacy, and spiritual guidance. My commitment to fostering strength and resilience in the face of adversity shines through in all I do. I hold a law degree and serve on the Survivor's Advisory Board for the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence. I am committed to supporting women on their journey to freedom, healing, and PURPOSE. I am a passionate advocate for women who have experienced domestic violence. You don’t have to walk alone. I am here to hold your hand and encourage you along the way.

Begin your journey

with our free

Proverbs 26:2 Bundle

An undeserved curse will be powerless to harm you.

It may flutter over you like a bird, but it will find no place to land. Proverbs 26:2 (TPT)

When you recognize verbal abuse and identify how

it has impacted your life, you can change your narrative by changing your mindset about your identity

"I didn't realize that there was so much more that I needed to let God do to be free from the strongholds of domestic violence, and I honestly didn't even recognize what they truly were until I met Tina."



Powerful Overcoming Women

Engaging in Restoration

Our POWER After DV Book & Workbook, and our Christian Life Coaching POWER Program empower women who have experienced domestic violence to recognize the full impact the abuse has had on their lives and to move beyond it using our Four-Step Framework to Freedom.


Personal Revelation and Restoration

to Overcome your Mess, turning It Into your

message with Strength and Empowerment

Our PROMISE After DV Program provides one-to-one personal guidance and mentorship throughout your individual journey through POWER, PURPOSE, and PATHWAY.


Pursuing Understanding and Revelation

about our Purpose, through Opportunities,

Skills and Education

Our PURPOSE After DV Program empowers women who have experienced freedom from the effects of domestic violence to seek the Lord for His PURPOSE and plans for their lives using our Four Step Framework to Freedom.


Purposefully Advancing and Taking Hold of the

Harvest by Walking in the Authority of Yahweh

Our PATHWAY After DV Program empowers women who have discovered the Lord’s PURPOSE and plans for their lives to walk in the fullness of everything He has for them using our Four Step Framework to Freedom.


Passionate Advancing Sisters Shaking and

Impacting Others out to the Nations

Our PASSION After DV Program is a Mastermind for strong, beautiful, confident women of God who are walking in the fullness of the Lord's PURPOSE and plans for their lives to link arms with like-minded women and build the Kingdom of God alongside their sisters in Christ.


We would love to connect with you!




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